Message from Managing Director:


Population booming is a real crisis in our country especially in big cities. Scarcity of land makes this problem intense. To accommodate the dwellers is now being prime concern.
Government as well as private entrepreneurs have given special emphasis to solve the residential problem in the large cities. Sylhet is one of the largest and divisional city of Bangladesh. As the population is increasing, accommodation as well as commercial & recreational places become scant at present.

Western Design And Planninng has started its business as an engineering consultancy firm sector in Sylhet. Recently. We are always committed to quality, transparency, cost reduction & good service. We believe, our effort & your faith are enough to make your dream true.

Our previous achievements & records speak for us. In the recent past we were and insha-allah in the future we will remain to make your cherished dream true.

With Best Regards

MD Mamunur Rashid (Civil Engineer)

Managing Director Of Western Design And Planninng .

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